报告题目:Plasmonic nanocavity for light manipulation and energy conversion
报 告 人:雷党愿
时 间:2021.09.20(周一)下午14:00-15:30
腾讯会议:518 770 082
报告人简介:雷党愿,香港城市大学副教授,国家优秀青年科学基金(港澳)获得者,长期专注低维材料及结构纳米光子学基础研究及其在能量转换、光电子器件以及生物光子学方面的应用研究。西北大学物理学学士,香港中文大学物理学硕士,伦敦帝国理工学院物理学博士,师从世界知名纳米光子学研究专家Stefan Maier教授,并与超构材料和变换光学创始人Sir John Pendry教授长期合作。共发表学术论文138篇,其中45篇文章影响因子大于10,包括2篇Nature Communications,3篇Light: Science & Applications, 3篇Physical Review Letters,12篇Advanced Materials和Advanced Functional Materials,14篇Nano Letters和ACS Nano等。
内容摘要:Optical cavities (or resonators) are man-made structures that can confine light in space in the form of standing waves, with certain resonance frequencies and enhanced light-matter interaction. Probably the earliest developed cavity system is a pair of mirrors, termed Fabry–Pérot cavity, which is an indispensable component of lasers and some interferometers. While such cavities at the macro-scale are useful for many optical devices, they really become shining at the micro-scale, typically including optical microcavities made of low-loss dielectric materials and plasmonic nanocavities comprised of resonant metallic nanostructures. In this talk, I will show our recent research on using dielectric microcavities to construct water-proof, two-photon-pumped perovskite microlasers (Nature Communications 2020, 11, 1192) and applying plasmonic nanocavities to boost the intrinsically weak second-harmonic generation process of noble metals (Nature Communications 2021, 12, 4326). Finally, I will discuss how to employ Mie-resonant dielectric nanostructures to realize fluorescence-mediated smart radiative cooling that can cool down an object below the ambient temperature without air conditioning (Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1906751, highlight as Editor’s Choice in Science 2020, 370, 1287).